February 26, 2014

Question and Answer Session

We had a lot of positive feedback from our last question and answer session we we are bringing it back.  Hope you enjoy reading and learning a little bit more of what make us who we are!

1. What are you wearing right now?
Stylish Mama: A brown knitted sweater from the limited, All For Mankind 7 skinny Jeans, silver strand necklace my husband gave me from a business trip he went on last year, and brown leather riding boots from the GAP.

Organized Chica: PJ's!!!!  As soon as I walk through my house door, I make myself look totally unpresentable to the public eye!  

2. Name Three Songs that are on your current play list:
Stylish Mama: 
1. Best Day of my Life - American Authors- a fun and upbeat song! And it doesn't hurt that the lead singer is eye candy.
2.Such Great Heights - Postal Service - easy listening music
3. I Can't Go for That - Bird and The Bee - tribute to Hall & Oates. 
I am such a geek, loving the classic band of Hall and &Oates - so when I heard this tribute song come up on my Pandora feed last week, I was hooked!

Organized Chica: I currently don't have a playlist.  I honestly just listen to my Pandora or Spotify and let it rip from there.  It really depends on my mood that moment, whether I'm listening to Salsa, R&B, Classical, etc.  My taste in music is pretty big so I just go with the mood.   

3. What's a word you say a lot?
Stylish Mama: CUTE - yup...everything or everyone that I like can pretty much be summed up in the one word.  Cute.  Funny, I remember in HS the valedictorian of our class telling me I needed to expand my adjective vocabulary as I even used it all too much in my teen years.  And frankly, I like cute...cute is good, so that word is staying!

Organized Chica: Apparently I say "No problem" and "Thanks" a lot.  Not a bad thing right? I really do mean it when I say it so no harm done.  

4. Where did you live in 1987?
Stylish Mama: I was living in Hyde Park, Boston right on the Jamaica Plain town line.  I actually remember hanging out in JP much more, my parents loved the shops there, the organic food stores, and the restaurants.  JP Licks (ice cream shop) is still one of my favorite places to visit in the summer.  The original ice cream shop in JP not the fancy one on Newbury Street.

Organized Chica: Good old Pawtucket, RI.  Nothing exciting really.  I still live in the same city.  

5. What is an essential start of your day?
Stylish Mama: I am an iphone junky.  So guess it would be to lay in bed for a minute to catch up on who might have texted me, who posted something on instagram the night before...and emails. 

Organized Chica: I'm guilty too, my cell.  Its how I find out what's going out there in the world and friends. Without it I feel lost and naked.  I need to check on everything. Another essential start of my day is my 30-45 minute HOT shower! I need this, if I don't get it, I'm grumpy.  It's my ME time!

6. Are you named after anyone?
Stylish Mama: My first name - dad picked it out of a name book in the hospital.  I was suppose to be Jessica but my mom changed her mind last minute.  My middle name Arline is after my grandmother on my fathers side.

Organized Chica: You guessed it! Marilyn Monroe.  My dad watched her movie the night before I was born and when the nurse asked what my name was, the movie came to his mind.  (thank goodness he didn't watch some crazy movie!) Fun Fact: My maiden name, Moreno, has the same letters but different order than Monroe.  So yes, I have been called Marilyn Monroe on numerous occasions during my lifetime.  But no blond bombshell over

7. What do you prefer, computer or tv?
Stylish Mama: TV, when I do have the time, I love to veg in front of a good show or cooking network.  I find I get inspired by so many cooking shows or DIY shows out there.  Computer to me is work.  Me no likey work.

Organized Chica: Computer/IPAD is what works for me.  I really don't watch TV and when I do, I watch it on my laptop or Ipad.  I feel that I can get so much more done on a computer then the TV and if I'm watching TV, you will see me on the couch with my Ipad.  

8. What's your favorite smells?
Stylish Mama: Clean white sheets.  And dinner cooking...what can I say, I am foodie!

Organized Chica: Jean Paul Gaultier Cologne! My favorite scent ever! Besides that, its the smell of clean! Clean sheets, clean house, clean showered skin, clean hair, clean babies! I think you get my drift. 

9. Where is the furthest place you have traveled to?
Stylish Mama: Alicante, Spain.  I went a few years before I had my daughter with my hubby, and my best friend.  It was absolutely gorgeous.  The Mediterranean was full of beauty and great food!  

Organized Chica: In my imagination or real life? lol I know, I know.  Medellin, Colombia when I went last fall.  

10. Do you have any pets?
Stylish Mama: Yes.  A two and half year old tri-color King Charles Spaniel.  He is the sweetest and most dearest boy I have met.  He loves to snuggle with his mommy and his favorite snacks are carrots, and anything peanut butter.
His name is Bruin:

Organized Chica: Yes I do.  I have a 1 year old Yorkie that was given to me as a gift when I had to let go of my first baby who was a Shih-tzu named Peluche (Spanish translation: Stuffed toy animal) Almost a year later and I still miss him greatly but my Yorkie has brought happiness to me and has been a huge help to get through the passing of my first baby.
His name is Bam-Bam! He loves to play in my backyard and loves his veggies.  He gets his own little bowl of salads everyday.  He is still in training to learn more commands and tricks.

11. What is your biggest Pet Peeve? 
Stylish Mama: Loud Eaters.  I watched a tv episode about a condition called Misophonia...I swear I had it after watching that show.  It showed how people are super sensitive to noises such as loud chewing, and slurping.

Organized Chica: Hahahaha! You really want me to get started on my long list???  

  • People eating with their mouths open - ahhhhhh!!! We are not cows! I don't need to hear or see what you are eating.  
  • Annoying useless noises: such as -tapping your fingers on a table, the second hand of a watch, humming, clicking of a pen, snores, etc
  • Changing plans on me last minute - one thing is an emergency but just canceling or changing something that we both previously agreed on is like pulling the rug under me.  This is a huge one for planner like me.
  • Seeing men wear white socks with suits and dress shoes. I swear I try to look the other way.  
  • When people don't blow their noses and you know they really need to! Tissues please!!! 
  • Cars not parked within the lines! 
The list continues but lets just leave it at that. Guess I'm a picky one, huh? 

Hope you enjoyed getting to know both of us a little better.  If you want, leave a message in response to your favorite question and with your answer for that question.  Then we could learn a little bit more about you all!

Happy Monday!

Love,  Stylish Mama and Organized Chica


  1. the noises!!! AHHH i was getting anxiety while i was reading them!!!

    1. I know you totally understand Shannon!! Xoxo
