February 11, 2014

Photo Mania

I don't know about you, but my pictures aren't necessarily organized the way I want them.  I did organized 75% of my printed pictures into albums about 8 years ago but that project came to a halt.  I have to revisit that one but honestly its a bit overwhelming, and let's not talk digital images, that's another story.

When I saw that NAPO was going to do a workshop based on photo organization, I had to attend.  Let me share with you a few of my notes that I found helpful and hope to implement with my photos.  For now, I added this to my "Project List" with no definite deadline. (I'll discuss what my "Project List" is all about in a future post)

Husband and wife, Philip and Susan, from PSG Photo Solutions leaded the workshop and shared with us their tips.

Gather all your images into one place.  I'm guilty of this, I have digital images in all my electronic devices but I do have all my printed images pictures in one place. 

1. Choose software - such as Historian or Lightroom
2. ABC's of Organizing

  • Album - store the images you want to be able to share or look at 
  • Box - store away images that you want to keep for yourself for memories but not share with others
  • Can - feel free to delete all those bad images or duplicates.  Only keep the best.
  • Story - each picture brings memories so stop and write them down (don't use pens or labels) 
3. Organize by theme - such as Baby Shower, Wedding, Graduation, etc

A product that they highly recommended was the Picture Keeper.  A great tool to back up your digital images instantly.  No special cables or software needed and it deletes your duplicates as well.

I definitely need to set some time aside to start organizing my pictures, hope these few tips will help you.

Happy Organizing,

Organized Chica, xox

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