February 6, 2014

Let's do this! 30 Day Wall Sit Challenge

Guess what we're doing? We are going to follow our own advise.  Sometimes to reach a goal, you need to publicly make a commitment and that's exactly what we are doing and we want you to join us.  

Here at Stylish Mama meets Organized Chica, we will be participating in the 30 Day Wall Sit Challenge.  
We will be following the daily chart that is shown below.

Are you with us? We want YOU to participate with us in this challenge so we can motivate each other.   We will be posting on our Instagram images of us doing this challenge, so no judging please.  Please tag us during your challenge so we can see that we are not alone in this.  

Here are the instructions from the 30 Day Challenge website on how to correctly do a wall sit:
  1. Stand in front of a wall (about 2 feet in front of it) and lean against it.
  2. Slide down until your knees are at about 90-degree angles and hold, keeping the abs contracted, for 20-60 seconds.
  3. Come back to start and repeat, holding the squat at different angles to work the lower body in different ways.

The 30 Day Wall Sit Challenge begins today!

Let's do this!!

Happy Wall Sit Challenge!!

Organized Chica - XOX


  1. What a great idea girls!!! I am totally joining your challenge! In fact, I have already completed day 1! So far, so...burn! Haha!

    1. Erin! I'm so happy you're joining us!! Feel that burn baby! How's day 2 going?

  2. Okay. As embarassing as this is to admit...this was harder than I thought it would be! But I am joining this challenge and I will keep you posted on my progress :)

    1. Yiay!! Go Sheree!!! We can do this. You are proof I just day 2...and needed help getting up so don't feel By day 30, we will be pros!
