February 4, 2014

How to Comment

We have had many friends tell us that they have had difficulty commenting on our blog posts.  So we wanted to give you a few instructions on how to do it.

At the end of each blog post you will find a menu bar like the one seen below:

You will see the words "No comments", when no comments have been made to this post.  Or "# comments" when followers have posted their comments.  You can click on these words and the following screen will show up.

You then can type up your comment in the "comment box" where you also have a choice on how you would like your comment to appear as.  If you have a GMAIL account, you can choose to be posted as your GMAIL account name.  If not, you have a list of options.  We personally love knowing who is posting comments so to see your name is a treat, unless you want to stay Anonymous, we respect that decision.

Just make sure to hit the PUBLISH button so your comment is published for us and others to read.

Like always, you are not obligated at all to post a comment but it sure does make our day.  Many times we hear from you personally and we love it, but we would appreciate your feedback on our posts so we can learn and build from that.  We want to hear from you, have our viewers engaged on what we do everyday.  We will take constructive criticism or positive reviews.  We have this blog up and running in part of because of our followers, so we want to get to know you too.  Think of the comments section is an open floor, express good or bad and you will be heard.

Hope these instructions helped you out and we will be seeing more of your feedback.

Happy commenting!

Organized Chica - xox

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