January 13, 2014

Apple Cider Vinegar for beautifying ourselves inside and out

I know you are thinking...did I just read that right?
Apple Cider Vinegar and Beautifying? Really?

Well the answer is - Yes! You did!
But, not just any apple we are talking about the many benefits of Bragg apple cider vinegar. Which is an organic product that is full of enzymes and minerals that help our bodies from the inside - out.

Many of the awesome benefits of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar

1. maintain healthy skin
2. promotes a healthy body
3. soothes irritated skin
4. relieves muscle pain from exercise (gotta exercise to keep young and beautiful!)
5. promotes ph Balance
6. supports a healthy immune system
7. makes hair shiny
8. helps de-tangle hair
9. helps control weight
10. helps strip hair of any impurities

Got your attention?

Here are some ways I have incorporated Bragg's Apple Cider in my beauty routine:

Apple Cider Vinegar Morning Cleanse/Detox

Ever wake up feeling sluggish?  Or maybe inspired to shed some weight - when you have gained a few unwanted pounds?  Then try this in the morning first thing before eating any food for the day...I will guarantee you will feel better and it helps curb your appetite from eating too much later in the day.

1 cup of hot water (I put my tea kettle on first thing when I wake up to get my water nice and hot for this)
2 tablespoons of  Braggs apple cider
honey to sweeten (I usually use very little to keep calories low)

*if you have a cold, or the flu, use this same mixture except with lemon slices and a garlic will help clear out your sinuses and soothe and coat your throat.

Apple Cider Vinegar Skincare Toner

Apple Cider Vinegar has the ability to regulate the ph of our skin.  It can help strip our skin of any oils/dirt.

Take a cotton ball and soak it with the apple cider vinegar as you would for any other toner bought at your drug store.  Much more healthier and purifying to help keep our skin feeling clean and fresh!

Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse 

Perfect for you ladies with long lovely locks that might get tangled here and there or those who need a little shine added to your dull hair.

This is more so for my daughter who has the long locks in my house at the moment. (seeing that I chopped all my hair off this year)

Apple cider vinegar removes build up or residue from those products we put in our hair.  It can also leave you hair smooth and shiny as it helps close the cuticle of the hair, which makes light refelct off of it...leaving it shiny!

1 part apple cider vinegar
1 part water

Its best to leave it in your hair for a few minutes so it can work its magic.  Rinse fully before applying any needed conditioner.  I tend to rinse with cool/cold water to also help lock those cuticles to add even more shine.

Hope these little beauty secrets interest you more into buying this amazing organic product.  You can find this product in most super markets (in the vinegar isle).  But I also have known people to order it on Amazon.

Love,  Stylish Mama

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