October 24, 2013

Providence Arcade opens its doors again!

Working in the heart of Providence, RI has many perks.  We enjoy an endless list of restaurants and little shops.  Providence is enriched with a lot of history and culture.  Many abandoned buildings are being remodeled for retail and or residential space. To see the transformation is truly captivating.  There was one building in particular that is an historic landmark, not only in Providence, but in the country.  We were happy to hear that the first enclosed shopping mall in the United States opened its doors once again to the public!

The Providence Arcade had been opened in the past but due to economical strains, it had struggled to remain open throughout the years.  I for one (Organized Chica) remember visiting the Arcade and walking into its shops and remembering how cool that Providence had this historic landmark.

When we visited the newly opened Arcade this week we were very excited to see the transformation.  It is filled with local shops, although all have not opened their doors yet, the ones that have are really neat.

See for yourself!

Providence Arcade Front - Pillars 

Providence Arcade: a photo featuring the beautiful architecture
of the ceiling and loft balcony 

A couple of the shops we saw

One shop that we fell in love with and hope to shop at soon is:

We will continue visiting the Providence Arcade as the shops open and keep you updated.    We have our eye on one particular eatery, Rouge Island.  

Hope you check it out when you are in the Providence area.  Follow their Facebook page at or visit their website at

Love, Stylish Mama meets Organized Chica - xox

*We are not being sponsored by the stores mentioned in this post.

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