October 22, 2013

Organization: Skin Care Products

Face wash, toner, night cream, eye cream, acne treatment, wrinkle treatment....and the list can keep going and going.  I don't know about you, but I have a horrible memory and forget when and what skin care products I'm suppose to use.  Also, I really don't have much room in my bathroom, its teeny tiny so my counter space is zero! And my medicine cabinet can only hold so much.  (I'll show that in the future)

Last year I came across the Mary Kay Travel Roll-Up Bag and thought, "Why not use this item to organize MY skin care regimen?"  Ta-Da!!! (I'm sorry, I get really geeky and giddy when I have an AHA moment!)

I didn't re-invent the wheel here, this item is meant to organize your beauty products and be easy for travel. Let me share with you how I personally use this.

Each compartment has been labeled and filled with the products I need at that time.  I can just take the corresponding compartment off the traveling roll-up bag and take it to the bathroom. All my skin products that I need at that time are all there in one place.  

  • Morning and Night compartments are self explanatory. 
  • Treatments compartment contains all my face treatments like masks that I use throughout the month.
  • Samples contain exactly that, samples that I receive in the mail or stores that I want to test out for reviews. Or I will use my samples when I leave on a trip so I don't have to pack all those bulky items.
It really does save me time and helps with this bad memory of mine.

Now if you don't want to invest in buying one of these roll-up bags, feel free to buy clear bags from the travel section from the store like Target.  I've even seen these bags at the dollar store.  Label the bags and put them all in a pretty basket.

TA-DA! Right?!! 

Happy Organizing 

Organized Chica - xox

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