September 9, 2013

Welcome to our new adventure

Welcome and Bienvenidos!   

We are so excited to finally start blogging!!

Let us begin by telling you our names – Stylish Mama is Kim and Organized Chica is Marilyn.

We are both 30 something Latinas in the  New England region.  We have a passion and love for many girly things!  In our blog you will find topics on fashion, organization, food, shopping, make-up, home decorating and much more. 

As you start to read our blog, you will notice we will be featuring different topics that we have strengths in or enjoy just talking about.  These entries will either be individual or a joint entry if we worked on something together.  Whoever wrote it - you will see our names posted after the entry– in hoping you will get a sense of our individual style and personality!

We would like to state that we are not being sponsored by any brand or company that we will be featuring in our blog, unless specified otherwise.  We will not stand behind a product or service that we do not believe in. Therefore as we feature them, we will always give our honest opinion, making sure that you as a reader will gain a non-biased review.   

In saying that, please visit our ABOUT US page so you can get a background in who we are and what we are all about. 

We would love for you to give us feedback on our blog entries, but please keep in mind that this is a family-oriented and positive forum and we will not tolerate bullying or foul language.   With your help we will find out what you enjoy reading and learning about.  Please remember we are amateur bloggers starting out on a journey of the unknown.   Our blog will be growing as we keep learning so please stay tuned as new pages and features appear.  We know we cannot be successful without having all of you as our support system.  So thank you to all who wish to be part of this.  We are feeling so blessed and thrilled for what is to come! 

Stay tuned as we take a leap into the unknown together!

Lots of Love, Stylish Mama and Organized Chica xox


  1. Can't wait to see what you ladies fire up!

  2. How wonderfully adorable :) from clothing to makeup to recipes... I can't wait 2 see what I will learn from you 2 beautiful gals!! I know everyone who reads this blog, for the 1st time, will totally make it a "favorite"!!

  3. Thank you Brian and Marly! Erin - sure hope so!! your comment is making us feel like its all worth it as we have such amazing friends!

  4. Such a fun idea! I'll be following...
